If you want your website to grow with the growth of your business,
you need project BLOC.
Top of the line SEO,
A fully responsive webpage,
Hosting for 1 month, on us.
a single domain for 1 year, on us.
hands off web/server management,
24/7 support over the phone,
Content can easily scale over time
*When you pay the initial payment for project bloc, you get a beautiful, responsive one page website (to start) Custom built to your business’s needs. This acts as an online business card which will promote your business and get your name online. Included in this deal, is hosting (1 month) and a single domain (1 year). Once hosting and a single domain has been purchased through Sneppard Media’s Web Products, the amount paid for hosting (1 month) + a single domain (1 year) will be deducted from the initial payment for project BLOC (*if not exceeding $100 CAD). Project BLOC makes it easy to grow your content, add pages, and sustain your brand, eventually creating a tower of content which clicks together like building blocks.
*Cost of single domain (1 year) + hosting (1 month) must not exceed $100 cad. If final price for the single domain (1 year) + hosting (1 month) is higher than $100 CAD, only $100 CAD will be deducted from the initial payment for project BLOC.
For more details, feel free to contact us at support@sneppard.media.